Saturday, 26 September 2015

Day 2 Waterrower Rowing

Determined to get to 3 miles today, 
I started rowing at an easy pace and realised to get more out of it I needed to stretch more, so I am bringing the handles up to my neck with each stroke, I noticed straight away that it is giving my upper arms, shoulders and stomach a good work out. 
I happily rowed until I'd got to my 3 miles, pleased with myself that I had done it in a similar time to my 2 miles the day before. 

Except, I hadn't! 
 So there is my first niggle, the clock. 
I assumed it would stay on the settings we'd selected, but it hadn't, so my 3 miles was 3km. 
Not a major problem, mainly an oversight on my part, very keen to get rowing you see :) I did another session in the evening and managed another 1.818 miles before dinner in 18 minutes 48 seconds, so for me it seems on average I am doing 1 mile in 10 minutes. 
I hope that improves. 
The workout, it's really good, I enjoy the sound of the water, and once you get a rhythm going it is weirdly relaxing, almost like a meditation session with a workout. 
Aside from actually being out on the loch in my kayak, this is one of the best ways of keeping fit I can imagine

Total miles rowed so far  5.67 miles!

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